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Agrobiodiversiti dan Persekitaran

Scope of Research

  1. Driving research and development (R&D) for the production of significant innovations and information in the areas of climate change, agrobiodiversity and agricultural biological control,
  2. Leading the conservation of genetic resources of plants, insects and microorganisms at the national level,
  3. As a reference source of expertise in the field of climate change, agrobiodiversity and agricultural biological control,
  4. Provide reporting and information resources related to the field of climate change, agrobiodiversity and biological control of the agricultural sector to support initiatives at the national and international levels.



  • Sampling and measurement of greenhouse gases (GHG) from the agriculture and livestock sectors
  • Use of straw degradation microorganisms for GHG mitigation
  • Development of selected emission factors (EF) of rice crops and livestock for GHG inventory calculation
  • Eco-physiology and assessment of the impact of extreme weather on crops for the development of climate change adaptation strategies
  • Modeling/simulation of climate change projections and crop yields
  • Study on the effects of temperature and haze on selected fruit crops.
  • Development of climate change mitigation methods for selected fruit crops on peat soils.
  • Development of livestock systems and waste management in facing the challenges of climate change.



  • Expertise in plant taxonomy, botany, phytochemistry, molecular, tissue culture and cryopreservation to support conservation activities with latest scientific equipments.
  • Expertise in plant genetic resources management and Genebanks.
  • Internationally assessed agricultural based Herbarium facilities namely MDI Herbarium.
  • Plant species identification for agricultural related species and Crop Wild Relatives (CWR) of Malaysia.
  • Research collaboration network between local and international research institutions for plant genetic resources management purposes.



  • Identification of biological control agents and biocontrol product development from effective natural resources
  • Rearing of natural enemies for biological control implementation on selected crop pests.
  • Development of biological control agents dissemination technology to improve the effectiveness of pest and disease management in crop.
  • Information management of insects and microbes in agriculture.
  • Conducting researches related to the biodiversity of stingless bees.


  • 1. Large-Scale Landscape Waste Management Technology Through Composting
    1. Large-Scale Landscape Waste Management Technology Through Composting

    Large-scale landscape waste management technology through composting is a method of producing high-quality compost and reducing odor problems in the environment. This method can improve existing disposal techniques as well as reuse the compost that has been produced for planting purposes. A mixture of landscape and livestock waste provides an important source of nitrogen to produce stable compost that has a C/N ratio of 10:1 to 15:1. This method is a more efficient and systematic management of landscape waste for the future for areas that have landscape waste on a large scale in a sustainable way for the target group consisting of Municipal Councils and Local Governments

  • 2. Pyrolysis technology for production of biochar and wood vinegar from agricultural residues


    Pyrolysis technology for the production of biochar and wood vinegar from agricultural waste is an effective method of agricultural waste management through pyrolysis techniques that produce biochar and wood vinegar. The produced wood vinegar is acidic which is useful as an insect repellent on plants as well as being effective as a biofungicide. The results of the study show that wood vinegar has an effective effect in controlling diseases caused by the anthracnose fungus on chili plants. Therefore, the transfer of this technology to target groups such as farmers, smallholders, municipal agencies and local governments to ensure that agricultural waste can be effectively managed and reprocessed into useful materials for agriculture. It is because, pyrolysis burning method from this technology has great potential in the reprocessing of the waste.

  • 3. Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Mitigation Technology for Rice Through the Application of Straw Decomposing Microbes
    3. Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Mitigation Technology for Rice Through the Application of Straw Decomposing Microbes

    Rice straw decomposition technology was developed by using microorganisms of Trichoderma species of fungi to mitigate the release of methane gas (CH4) during the rice growing season. Trichoderma 1614 is capable of composting rice straw, producing compost with a better C/N ratio and high pH. The use of empty or partially filled grain (EPFG) or unfilled grain as a substrate and carbon source can be a carrier in the long term. It is easily obtained in large quantities while reducing the dependence on the use of imported substrates. The cost to benefit ratio (BCR) analysis shows that it exceeds the value of 1 and is suitable for implementation in the field. This technology has the potential to be used by farmers to reduce the impact of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which is methane between 8.5% and 34%, and can further meet the environmental sustainability aspect of the agricultural sector, especially rice crops.

  • 4. Climate Change Adaptation Technology for Paddy Crops Through Water Management Methods


    The water management technology developed for paddy is the cultivation under a saturated and moist condition to reduce the period of soil in the paddy field that has no available oxygen (anaerobic) that cause methanogenic bacteria to release high levels of the greenhouse gas (GHG) methane. Intermittent irrigation is effective as a climate change adaptation strategy for rice cultivation. The saturated and moist water management technology developed is a modification of Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD) and System of Rice Intensification (SRI). The water level is allowed to drop from saturation to 15 cm below ground (or -20 kPa water potential) before field is re-irrigated. This technology saves up to 35% of water, reduces the release of methane gas by 30-55% and maintains a high rice yield of around 6.0-7.0 t/ha.

  • 5. Post-Harvest Handling Technology for Taro, Colocasia esculenta


    Post-Harvest Handling Technology for Taro, Colocasia esculenta was developed based on research on Keladi Mawar, Keladi Wangi and Keladi Putih. This technology can extend the shelf life and maintain the quality of fresh taro compared to conventional methods. This technology is important as a reference for stakeholders such as farmers, distributors, packers, importers, exporters, processors, students and policy makers. This technology takes into account harvesting at the right time to ensure premium quality, high nutrition and optimal taste. Followed by a curing treatment that helps maintain quality and extends shelf life. This technology includes a combination of sanitation with chlorine 100 ppm, curing (2 - 3 days at 250°C, RH 85 - 95%), packed with polystyrene bags (PP 0.08mm), and stored at a temperature of 8 - 100°C which can maintain freshness for up to 5 weeks. This technology has been transfered to taro producers throughout Malaysia and extension officers.

  • 6. Technology of Taro Crop Production in Pioneer Scale


    The technology developed covers the entire taro value chain from botanical aspects and morphological characterization, genetic relationships, nutritional content, agronomy, pests and diseases, tissue culture development as well as economic and market analysis. Taro classification is based on DNA barcode technology and contributes to the genetic relationship of taro cultivars found in Malaysia. In addition, information on pest and disease management can provide guidance to farmers in identifying pests and diseases so that they can carry out appropriate prevention and control. Tissue culture propagation techniques capable of producing quality seedlings in large quantities for large-scale planting are also obtained in this technology. A study on the market as well as consumer perception on the acceptance of taro was also conducted and showed that the taro have potential and viability to be planted by farmers. This technology can be used as a reference for farmers and entrepreneurs who are interested in growing taro as a source of income, thereby reducing dependence on imported vegetables.

  • 7. Complete Package of Kuini Production


    This kuini production technology is a complete technology package that includes accession recommendations, breeding methods, farm practices, fertilization, irrigation, disease and pest control and completes the supply chain of raw materials to commercialize kuini either as a fresh food product or with the production of downstream products such as functional drinks and fermented drinks. Kuini (Mangifera odorata) is one of the jungle mango species in the Anacardiaceae family. The Kuini is rich in nutrients good for health and has prebiotic properties due to its high fiber content. There are five elite accessions identified which are Accession 103 (Kijal, Terengganu), Accession 102 (Simpang Renggam, Johor), Accession 035 (Melaka Pindah, Melaka), Accession 082 (Hulu Langat, Selangor) and Accession 101 (Changloon Kedah). These elite accessions were selected based on growth performance, morpho-agronomic characteristics, qualitative characteristics, yield and good fruit quality as well as public acceptance surveys.

  • 8. Package for farming of Stingless Bee, Heterotrigona itama


    The Kelulut Bee Farming Package, Heterotrigona itama has been developed at MARDI which includes Kelulut Bee Farming (RMK 10), Sustainable Kelulut Bee Farming (RMK 11), Kelulut Bee Queen Farming (RMK 12) and Heterotrigona itama Elite Colony Production (RMK 12). This technology package includes a complete technology for transferring wild colonies from tree trunks to wooden boxes (hives), colony doubling methods, queen farming and the production of elite colonies for H. itama. All of these packages are developed to produce a chain so that the breeding process for honey bee species does not stop at a certain stage, more sustainable and guarantees the survival of the colony and the quality of the honey produced. In addition, it will also support the growing meliponiculture industry over time.

  • 9. Mass Production of Biological Control Agents; Diadegma semiclausum, Cotesia vestalis and Trichogramma chilonis for the Control of Major Plant Pests

    This technology is specific to maintain in mass (large scale) three types of parasitoids namely Diadegma semiclausum, Cotesia vestalis and Trichogramma chilonis. These three beneficial insects are natural enemies of Lepidoptera pests that attack vegetable and maize crops such as Plutella xylostella, Spodoptera litura and Spodoptera frugiperda. The larval stage parasitoid rearing of D. semiclausum and C. vestalis is carried out using P. xylostella pest larvae on cabbage seedlings in the laboratory. While the preservation of T. chilonis egg parasitoids is carried out using a mixture of rice husk, rice bran and crushed rice as the main food of the host, Corcyra cephalonica. The use of this parasitoid as a biological control of plant pests is one of the strategies in sustainable plant pest management.

  • 10. Multi-Virus Biopesticides for Control of Cruciferous Vegetable Lepidoptera Pests
    10. Multi-Virus Biopesticides for Control of Cruciferous Vegetable Lepidoptera Pests

    Nuclearpolihedrosis multi-virus biopesticide was developed in 2016 and was found to be effective in controlling the main pests of cabbage, namely cabbage moth caterpillars (Plutella xylostella), cabbage webworm caterpillars (Hellula undalis), cabbage cluster caterpillar (Crocidolomia binotalis) and tobacco cutworm caterpillar (Spodoptera litura) on organics lowland cabbage crops. The combination of spray application of Emamectin benzoate and FMNPV spray application decreased the Lepidoptera population by 75%. Based on studies that have been carried out, FMNPV has been proven to be able to compete as the main biopesticide to overcome the problem of pests on cruciferous vegetables.


  1. Abu Bakar, N.A., Roslan, A.M., Hassan, M.A., Abdul Rahman, M. H., Ibrahim, K.N., Abdul Rahman, M.D., & Mohamad, R. (2023). Environmental impact assessment of rice mill waste valorisation to glucose through biorefinery platform. Scientific Report 13:14767
  2. Hanifah, NASB., Ghadamgahi, F., Kalyandurg, PB. and Vetukuri, RR. (2023). Effects of Biocontrol Rhizobacteria Applications on Growth and Yield of Tomato and Potato Plants Grown Under Controlled Conditions. MSPPC Transaction, Vol 30: 226-232.
  3. Hanifah NASB, Ghadamgahi F, Ghosh S, Ortiz R, Whisson SC, Vetukuri RR, Kalyandurg PB. 2023. Comparative transcriptome profiling provides insights into the growth promotion activity of Pseudomonas fluorescens strain SLU99 in tomato and potato plants. Front Plant Sci. 14:1141692.
  4. Hidayah, N.A., Hariz, M.A.R., Aziz, M.R., Nadiah, M.A. and Najib, M.O.G. (2023). The Effects of Elevated Temperature on Physiological Performances of Papaya Variety Sekaki During Vegetative Stage under Controlled Environment System. Trans. Malaysian Soc. Plant Physiol. 30: 129-132.
  5. Nadiah, M.A., Hariz, M.A.R., Aziz, M.R., Hidayah, N.A. and Najib, M.O.G. (2023). Effects of Elevated Temperature on Vegetative Growth of Papaya Variety Sekaki. Transactions Malaysian Society Plant Physiology 30: 92-94.
  6. Bastami M.S., Ahmad Azmin A., Rusli M.G., Abu Bakar S. N., Shakri N. A., Mustaffa M. A. O., Abu Bakar S., A. B., Ab Malek. R., Hamzah M. A., Adzahar M. S., (2023) Agriculture Residue as Bio-Cover to Inhibit Methane from Slurry Storage. British Journal of Environmental Sciences, Vol.11, No.2, pp.,35-45
  7. Mohd Saufi B., Azizi A. A., Mohd Ghazali R., Syarol Nizam A. B., Nur Alyani S., Mohd Alif Omar M., Syuhaidah A. B., Rashidah A. M. (2023). Uses of Agri By-Product in Inhibiting Ammonia and Methane from Cattle Slurry During Storage. Malaysian J. Anim. Sci. (in press)
  8. Mohd Saufi B., Azizi A.A, Mardhati., Mohd Azlan P., Mohd Fairuz M.S, Zulkifli I., Mohd Razi A., Syuhada A.K., Fhaisol M. A., Mohd Aliff O. M., Mohd Ghazali R. (2023). Current Outlook of The Malaysian Beef Cattle Farming Practices. Malaysian Journal of Veterinary Research (in press)
  9. Mohd Aziz, R., Hanifah, N.A.S., Abdullah, N.H., Aris, N.M., Rahman, M.H.A., Suptian, M.F.M. and Ghani, M.N.O. (2023). Heat Stress Effects on Leaf Physiological Performances, Vegetative Growth and Grain Yield of Grain Corn (Zea mays L.). Asian Research Journal of Agriculture 16 (3): 51-63.
  10. Fauzi, J., Rahman, M.H.A., Bakar, S.A., Shakri, N.A., Kamaruzaman, R., Bakar, N.A.A., Rashid, M.A., Suptian, M.F.M., Ab Malek, R. & Zulkifle, N.L. (2023). Field data on pre-season rice straw degradation using a microbial substrate and the effects on methane emissions during rice cultivation. Data in Brief 49: 1-11
  11. Fauzi, J. and Che Radziah, C.M.Z (2023). Effects of High Temperature and Water Stress on Leaf Physiological Responses and Yield During Flowering Stage of Rice (Oryza sativa MR 253). eISSN 2600-9595. Malaysian Soc. Plant Physiol. 30. First Published, 2023. 101-106
  12. Abu Bakar, N.A., Roslan, A.M., Hassan, M.A., Abdul Rahman, M. H., Ibrahim, K.N., Abdul Rahman, M.D., & Mohamad, R. (2022). Development of life cycle inventory and greenhouse gas emissions from damaged paddy grain as fermentation feedstock: A case study in Malaysia. Journal of Cleaner Production 354:131722. DOI:
  13. Abu Bakar, N.A., Roslan, A.M., Hassan, M.A., Ibrahim, K.N., Abdul Rahman, M.D., & Mohamad, R. (2022). Structural Modification of Empty and Partially Filled Paddy Grain Through Hydrothermal Pre-treatment as a Novel Substrate for Fermentable Glucose Production. Starch 2011299:1-8
  14. Mohd Aziz, R., Hariz, M.A.R., Hidayah, N.A., Nadiah, M.A. and Najib, M.O.G. (2022). The Effects of Elevated Temperature on Plant Growth Parameters and Physiological Performances of Grain Corn under Controlled Environment System. Transactions of the Malaysian Society of Plant Physiology 29: 7-11.
  15. Rozimah Muhamad Rasdi, & Mohammad Hariz Abdul Rahman (2022). Vulnerability of Agriculture To Climate Change Events in the Upper Basin System: a Review. Malaysian Journal of Tropical Geography, 2(48), 32–40.
  16. Nurul Atilia Shafienaz, H. (2022). Exploring growth promoting activity of rhizobacteria – insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying PGPR-plant interactions. Second cycle, A2E. Alnarp: SLU, Department of Plant Breeding. Thesis MSc (Horticultral Science), Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU.
  17. Mohd Saufi B., (2021). Kadar pembebasan gas rumah kaca daripada sektor ternakan negara. Buletin Teknologi Mardi 26:127-132
  18. Mohd Saufi, B., Mohd Rosly, S., Mohd Hifzan, R. , Dzulfadzly, A. , Mohd Azlan, P., Hazirah, A., Mohd Azlan, M. S., Baharin, S., Marini, A. M. And Nurul Aini, M. Y. (2021). Slurry Cover: Can It Help Reducing Ghg Emission From Slurry Surface In Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Veterinary Research 12:33-44
  19. Bastami MS, Jones DL, Chadwick DR. (2021). Microbial diversity dynamics during the self- acidification of dairy slurry. Environ Technol 42.16:2562-2572
  20. Mohd Aziz, R.,Phebe, D. & Siti Aishah, H.(2021). Effects of Light Sources and Drying Methods on Plant Growth and Steviol Glycoside Content of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni. Journal of Tropical Plant Physiology 13(1) (2021):1-14
  21. Azizi Ahmad Azmin. (2021). Country Specific Emission Factor (CSEF) for Malaysian Beef Cattle Enteric Methane (CH4) Emission. Tesis Sarjana (Animal Science). Massey University, New Zealand.
  22. Nurul Ain A.B., Mohammad Hariz, A.R., Shaidatul Azdawiyah, A.T., Azizi A.A, Mardhati, M., Mohd Fairuz, M.S., Mohd Saufi, B. & Fauzi J.(2021). Indirect Estimation of Agricultural Nitrous Oxide Emission in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Soil Science Vol. 25 : 171-193
  23. Abu Bakar, N.A., Roslan, A.M., Hassan, M.A., Ibrahim, K.N., Abdul Rahman, M.D., & Mohamad, R. (2021). Preliminary study of paddy processing waste as potential feedstock for glucose production. AFOBMICS Malaysia Chapter, 2021:88
  24. Shaidatul Azdawiyah, A.T., Mohd Aziz, R., Mohammad Hariz A.R. & Mohamad Zabawi, A.G. (2021). Unjuran hasil tanaman padi bagi kawasan jelapang di Semenanjung Malaysia. Buletin Teknologi MARDI Bil. 26, Khas Perubahan Iklim: 9 – 17.
  25. Shaidatul Azdawiyah, A.T., Muhammad Zamir, A.R., Muhamad Hafiz, M.H., Mohd Aziz, R., Zul Helmey, M.S. & Wan Mahfuzah, W.I. (2021). Pembangunan semula model simulasi pengeluaran betik dan mangga bagi Semenanjung Malaysia. Buletin Teknologi MARDI Bil. 26 (2021) Khas Perubahan Iklim: 71 – 82.
  26. Mohd Saufi, B. (2021). Kadar pembebasan gas rumah kaca daripada sektor ternakan negara. Buletin Teknologi MARDI Bil. 26 (2021) Khas Perubahan Iklim: 127 – 132.
  27. Mohammad Hariz, A.R., Masnira, M.Y., Y.S., Jeffrey, L.S.H. & Rashidah, A.M. (2021). Kaedah penghasilan kompos menggunakan CompoBin. Buletin Teknologi MARDI Bil. 27, Khas Pertanian Bandar: 113 – 121.
  28. Azizi, A.A. (2021). Country Specific Emission Factor (CSEF) for Malaysian Beef Cattle Enteric Methane (CH4) Emission. Thesis MSc (Animal Science), Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
  29. Shaidatul Azdawiyah, A.T., Muhamad Hafiz, M.H., Mohd Aziz, R., Zul Helmey, M.S., Muhammad Zamir, A.R., Wan Mahfuzah, W.I., Mohammad Hariz, A.R., Mohd Ghazali, R., Syarol Nizam, A.B. and Mohd Alif Omar, M. (2020). Effects of environmental temperature and precipitation pattern on growth stages of Magnifera indica cv. Harumanis Mango. Journal of Agricultural Science (12): 26.38.
  30. Mohd Saufi B., Mohd Rosly S.,2020. Bio-flowt: Pemerangkapan gas metana (biogas) melalui pemerangkap mudah untuk kolam kumbahan dan kolam anaerobik. Buletin Teknologi MARDI Bil. 21 (2020) Khas Agrobiodiversiti: 123 – 136
  31. Mohd Aziz, R., Hariz, M.A.R., Fauzi, J., Saufi, M.B., Maisarah, M.S., Norsuha, S.M., Chong, T.V., Zabawi, M.A.G., Norlida, M.H., Shaidatul, A.A.T., Nizam, S.A.B., Liyana, N.Z., Malek, A.K., Subahir, S., Ghazali, M.R., Firdaus, M.A.W.O. and Alif, O.M.M. (2020). Adaptation to Climate Change Through Sustainable Water Management in Rice Production. Proceedings on Crop Resilience for Adaptation to Climate Change: Rice, Food and Fertilizer Technology Center 91-101.
  32. Nuriah Abd Majid., & Rozimah Muhamad Rasdi. (2020). Dengue Hotspot Detection in Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 540(1).
  33. Muhammad Rizal Razman, Rozimah Muhamad Rasdi, & Sharifah Zarina Syed Zakaria. (2020). Pengurusan Persekitaran Tanah Tinggi Melalui Undang-Undang Tort: Kajian Perundangan Malaysia Menyusuri Aspek Kecuaian (Environmental Management on Highlands Through the Law of Tort: Study on Malaysian Legislation Focusing on Negligence). Jurnal Arkeologi Malaysia, 33(2), 59–66.
  34. Choo, L. N. L. K., Ahmed, O. H., Talib, S. A. A., Ghani, M. Z. A., & Sekot, S. (2020). Clinoptilolite Zeolite on Tropical Peat Soils Nutrient, Growth, Fruit Quality, and Yield of Carica papaya L. cv. Sekaki. Agronomy, 10(9), 1320.
  35. Shaidatul Azdawiyah A.T, Muhamad Hafiz M.H., Mohd Aziz R., Zul Helmey M.S., Muhammad Zamir A.R., Mohd Syazwan F.M., Mohammad Hariz A.R., Mohd Ghazali R. & Syarol Nizam A.B. (2020). Effects of environmental temperature and precipitation pattern on reproductive stage of Magnifera indica cv. Harumanis Mango: A preliminary study. Journal of Agricultural Science.
  36. Sadi, T., dan Nurul, M. H. A. R., & Bakar, A. A. (2020). Pencilan Trichoderma 1614: Agen pengurusan sisa pertanian yang efektif. Buletin Teknologi MARDI Bil, 19, 35-47.
  37. Mohd Aziz, R., Fauzi, J., Hariz, M.A.R., Zabawi, M.A.G., Norlida, M.H., Fazlyzan, A., Norfarhah, A.R., Shaidatul, A.A.T., Nizam, S.A.B., Subahir, S., Malek, A.K., Liyana, N.Z., Ghazali, M.R., Alif, O.M.M., Azmie, M.N.A.J.H., Czahari, C.M. & Alif, M.S. (2020). The Effects of Water Management on Plant Physiological Performances, Plant Growth and Yield in Rice (Oryza sativa L.). Trans. Malaysian Soc. Plant Physiol. 27: 92-96.
  38. Mohd Aziz, R., Mohamad Zabawi, A.G., Shaidatul Azdawiyah, A.T. and Fazlyzan, A. (2019). Effects of haze on net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance and yield of Malaysian rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties. Journal of Tropical Agriculture and Food Science 47(1): 1-13.
  39. Mohd Aziz, R., Shaidatul, A.A.T., Fauzi, J., Zabawi, M.A.G., Norlida, M.H., Hafiz, M.M.H., Fazlyzan, A., Norfarhah, A.R., Nizam, S.A.B., Subahir, S., Malek, A.K., Ghazali, M.R., & Alif, O.M.M. (2019). Physiological Responses, Nutrient Content & Fruit Quality of Mango (Mangifera indica l.) cv. Harumanis at Different Agro-climatic Zones. Transactions of the Malaysian Society of Plant Physiology 26: 174-178.
  40. Fauzi,J., Mohd Fairuz, M.S., Mohammad Hariz, A.R., Ghazali, R., Mohd Firdaus. A.W., Nurul Ain, A.B dan Syaidatul Azdawiyah, A.T. (2019). Teknik Pengumpulan dan Analisis Gas Rumah Kaca (GHGs) Bagi Pelepasan Tanaman Padi di Malaysia.2019.Buletin Teknologi MARDI, Bil 19 : 85-94
  41. Mohammad Hariz A.R., Chen S.S., Putri Razreena A.R, Nurul Ain A.B., Mohammad Shahid S., Norziana Z.Z., Azzami Adam M., Fazlyzan A.B., Fauzi J., Rahiniza K., Shamsul Amri S., & Shaidatul Azdawiyah A.T. (2019). Life Cycle Assessment in Conventional Rice Farming System: Estimation of Greenhouse Gas emissions using Cradle-to-Gate Approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 212 : 1526-1535
  42. Muhamad Hafiz M.H.,Hartinee A., Nor Dalila N.D.,Zul Helmey M.S., Razali M, Ab Kahar S.,Siti Aisyah A. ,Wan Mohd Reza W. I, & Shaidatul Azdawiyah A.T. (2019). Effect Of Multilocation Production On The Reproductive Growth, Yield And Quality Of Harumanis Mango. International Journal of Current Advanced Research, 8 (4): 18175-18180
  1. Mohd Zulkhairi , I. Nor Asiah, M. Razali, K. Maya Izar, M. S. Muhammad Shafie, A. Fazlyzan, A. Aimi Athirah, M. N. Siti Aisyah, M. Y. Saidatul Aqilah, M. S. Nurul Sofea and M. F. Nurul Nuha (2023). Comparative Phytochemical Analysis of Bambara Groundnut (Vigna subterranea) and others Vigna spp. with Respect to its Nutritional, Antinutritional and Antioxidant Properties, Asian Journal of Chemical Sciences, 13 (1) : 37 - 45, ISSN : 2456-7795
  2. Mohd Norfaizal, G., et al. (2023). Trappers in Nature - The Nepenthes of Peninsular Malaysia. MYBIS Book.1:1-84 ISBN 978-967-0250-47-2.
  3. Mohd Norfaizal, G. et al. (2023). Pinalia elata (Eriineae) - taxonomic and conservation assessment of a lesser known narrow endemic orchid from Peninsular Malaysia. 23(2): 145-159 doi:
  4. Maya Izar Khaidizar (2023). Penilaian ciri morfologi dan hasil aksesi kacang bambara (Vigna subterranea) yang ditanam pada dua jenis tanah berbeza. Master Thesis, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi.
  5. Fazlyzan, A., Syuhaidah, A.B., Mohammad Hariz, A.R., Aimi Athirah, A., Tosiah, S., Nurul Ain, A.B., Mohd Zafrul Arif, R., Nur Alyani, S., Norfarhah, A.R. (2022). The effects of microbial enhancement on the decomposition of rice straw. Trop. Agric. and Fd. Sc. 50(2022): 27 – 35.
  6. Mohd Zulkhairi Azid, Razali Mirad, Nur Syafini Ghazali, Mohd Shukri Mat Ali @ Ibrahim, Aimi Athirah Ahmad, Siti Aisyah Mohd Noor, Nur Daliana Yusof, Rosali Hussin, Mohd Zamri Kamaruddin dan Nur Fatin Mohd Said (2022). Penentuan kandungan sebatian antidiabetik charantin daripada bahagian buah induk dan hibrid peria. Buletin Teknologi MARDI (Edisi Kolokium Pembaikbakaan), Bil. 30 , ms 131 - 140 ISSN 2756-8407.
  7. Nor Asiah I., Nurshahidah M.R., Zulhairil A., Umikalsum M.B., Rosliza J., Roslee P. 2022. Pemuliharaan sumber genetik keladi sebagai makanan alternatif untuk masa hadapan. Buletin Teknologi MARDI (Edisi Kolokium Pembaikbakaan), Bil. 30,m/s 17-30
  8. Muhamad Fahmi Y., Tamil Chelvan M.S., Zarina Z., Nor Asiah I., Norsalsabila M.R., Mohd Syafik M.H (2022). Current status and biotechnological development of Etlingera elatior, a promising horticultural and medicinal plant. The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology. 2021.2021812
  9. Zulhairil A., Aminah, M., Nor Asiah, I., Maya Izar, K., Nuradni, H. & Umikalsum, MB. (2022) Eksplorasi hubungan genetik terung tradisional berpotensi untuk program pembaikbakaan, Buletin Teknologi MARDI (Edisi Kolokium Pembaikbakaan), Bil. 30 , ms 121 - 129 ISSN 2756-8407
  10. Muhammad Shafie Md Sah, Anuar Rasyidi Mohd Nordin, Mohd Norfaizal Ghazalli, Siti Sofiah Mohamad, Khadijah Awang, Maimun Tahir, Site Noorzuraini Abd Rahman, Mohd Shukri Mat Ali, Mohd Nor Awaluddin, Mohd Ramdzan Othman, Nur Idayu Abd Rahim, Ahmad Syahman Md Dalee (2022). Kerabat liar tanaman di Malaysia: Sumber genetik berpotensi untuk digunakan dalam pembangunan varieti tanaman beradaptasi dengan perubahan iklim. Buletin Teknologi MARDI Bil. 26 (2022) Khas Perubahan Iklim, 83-92.
  11. Muhammad Shafie MS., Anuar Rasyidi MN and Ahmad Syahman MD. (2022). Solanum cumingii: Sumber genetik kerabat liar terung untuk pembaikbakaan masa hadapan. Buletin Teknologi MARDI Bil. 30 (2022) Khas Perubahan Iklim, 151-158.
  12. Adam Harris Gerten, Muhammad Shafie Md. Sah, Norfaizal Hj. Ghazalli, Khadijah Awang, Azuan Amron dan Maya Izar Khaidizar (2022). Kepelbagaian dan Kegunaan Spesies Pokok Buah Nadir daripada Kebun dan Dusun di Kampung Kakeng, Serian, Sarawak. Buletin Teknologi MARDI Bil. 30 (2022) Khas Kolokium Pembaikbakaan Tanaman: 173-178
  13. Mohd Norfaizal, G. (2022). The King of Fruits. Flora Obscura - Plants, People, Planet (ScholarOne Manuscript) 2022: 1-10 doi:10.1002/ppp3.10288.
  14. Mohd Norfaizal, G. et al. (2022). Taxonomic significance of leaf epidermis micromorphological characteristics of Pentace L. (Malvaceae) in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Microscopy. 18(1): 192-201 ISSN:1823-7010,eISSN:2600-7444.
  15. Mohd Norfaizal. G. et al. (2022). Taxonomic implications of pollen of some species of the genus Pterospermum Schreb.(Malvaceae s.l. subfam. Dombeyoideae). Acta Botanica Brasilica. 35(4): 495-502 doi: 10.1590/0102-33062020abb0442.
  16. Mohd Norfaizal, G. et al. (2022). Durio gerikensis (Malvaceae), a new Arilless Durio from Hulu Perak, Malaysia. Phytotaxa 543 (1): 021–030 543(1): 21-30
  17. Mohd Norfaizal, G. et al. (2022). Comparative Leaf Anatomy and Micromorphology of Thunbergia erecta (Benth.) T. Anderson and Thunbergia laurifolia Lindl. in Peninsular Malaysia. Tropical Life Sciences Research. 33 (1): 105-119 DOI:
  18. Maya Izar Khaidizar and Mohd Azwan Jaafar and Mohd Rafii Yusop.(2022). Penentuan variasi genetik aksesi limau nipis berdasarkan penanda molekul Jujukan Inter Ringkas Berulang (ISSR). Buletin Teknologi MARDI (Edisi Kolokium Pembaikbakaan), Bil. 30 , ms 209-216 ISSN 2756-8407.
  19. Fazlyzan Abdullah, Mohd Aziz Rashid, Shamsul Amri Saidon, Rahiniza Kamaruzaman, Shaidatul Azdawiyah Abdul Talib, Fauzi Jumat, Site Noorzuraini Abd Rahman dan Mohd Shahril Firdaus Ab Razak (2021). Strategi adaptasi industri padi di Malaysia terhadap perubahan iklim (Climate change adaptation strategies for rice industry in Malaysia). Buletin Teknologi MARDI Bil. 26 Khas Perubahan Iklim 1-8
  20. Mohd Zulkhairi, M. N. Siti Aisyah, M. Razali, G. Nur Syafini, M. B. Umikalsum, A. Aimi Athirah, M. Y. Nur Daliana dan H. Rosali (2021). Antioxidants Capacity, Phenolic and Oxalate Content from Two Varieties of Solanum melongena at Different Maturity Stages, Asian Journal of Applied Chemistry Research, 8 (4), 54 - 63.
  21. Nor Asiah I., M. Y. Rafii, T.M.M. Mahmud, M. M. Hanafi. 2021. Genetic variability and diversity of the agro-morphological traits of torch ginger (Etlingera elatior) germplasm in Malaysia. Journal of Agriculture and Ecology Research International 22(4): 37-57, 2021; DOI: 10.9734/JAERI/2021/v22i430196 ISSN:2394-1073
  22. Muhamad Fahmi Y., Nor Asiah I., Tamil Chelvan M.S., Zarina , Norsalsabila M.R. (2021). Commercial potentials and agronomic status of Etlingera elatior, a promising horticulture plant from zingiberaceae family. AGRIVITA Journal of Agricultural Science. 2021. 43(3): 665-678
  23. Zulhairil Ariffin, Nor Asiah Ismail, Maya Izar Khaidizar, Mohd Aziz Rashid, Aimi Athirah Ahmad, Umikalsum Mohamed Bahari, Nuradni Hashim dan Hamizan Abdul Jalil (2021) Keupayaan terung rapuh terhadap tekanan genang air (Capability of terung rapuh against the waterlogging stress), Buletin Teknologi MARDI (Edisi Khas Khas Perubahan Iklim), Bil. 26 , ms 111 - 118
  24. Suryanti B. , M. A. Mohd Shukri , U. R. Sinniah , S. Nur Atisha and A. K. Abdul Muhaimin3 (2021). Short-term Storage of Seeds and Cryopreservation of Embryonic Axes of Lepisanthes fruticosa. Annual Research & Review in Biology 36(7): 112-123, 2021; Article no.ARRB.71367
  25. Suryanti Bustam, Rosliza Jajuli1, Izlamira Roslan2 dan Abdul Muhaimin Abdul Kadir. (2021). Pemuliharaan in vitro: Kaedah alternatif menghadapi perubahan iklim. Buletin Teknologi MARDI Bil. 26 (2021) Khas Perubahan Iklim. Pp 101-110.
  26. Muhammad Shafie Md Sah, Rosliza Jajuli and Mohd Shukri Mat Ali (2021). Management of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA) in MARDI: An overview from policy and legal perspectives. Economic and Technology Management Review, Vol. 17(2021): 93-109.
  27. Muhammad Shafie Md Sah, Anuar Rasyidi Mohd Nordin, Mohd Norfaizal Ghazalli, Siti Sofiah Mohamad, Khadijah Awang, Maimun Tahir, Site Noorzuraini Abd Rahman, Mohd Shukri Mat Ali, Mohd Nor Awaluddin, Mohd Ramdzan Othman, Nur Idayu Abd Rahim dan Ahmad Syahman Md Dale. (2021). Kerabat liar tanaman di Malaysia: Sumber genetik berpotensi untuk digunakan dalam pembangunan varieti tanaman beradaptasi dengan perubahan iklim. Buletin Teknologi MARDI Bil. 26 (2021) Khas Perubahan Iklim, 83-92
  28. Adam Harris Gerten Ritay Abdullah, Muhammad Shafie Md Sah, Zahora Ismail, Maznah Muning. Spesies Tanaman Nadir Dalam Menghadapi Perubahan Iklim. Buletin Teknologi MARDI Bil. 26 (2021) Khas Perubahan Iklim: 93-99
  29. Mohd Norfaizal, G. Salma, I. Richard, CCK, Chia, RF. (2021). Diversity and distribution of wild fruit tree species (Garcinia, Mangifera and Nephelium) in selected forest reserves in Malaysia. The Malaysian Forester. 84(2) 336-348.
  30. Mohd Norfaizal,& et al. (2021). A note on the Diversity of Rare and Wild Fruits Species in Sungai Kangkawat RS, Imbak Canyon Conservation Area (ICCA), Tongod, Sabah, Malaysia. Journal of Tropical Biology and Conservation: 18: 167-172. ISSN 1823-3902.
  31. Mohd Norfaizal, G. et al. (2021). Comparative leaf anatomy of some Nepenthes L. (Nepenthaceae) from Peninsular Malaysia. Notulae Scientia Biologicae. 13(4)-10980 DOI: 10.15835/nsb13410980.
  32. Mohd Zulkhairi, M. Razali, M.B. Umikalsum, G. Mohd Norfaizal, A. Aimi Athirah and M.N. Siti Aisyah (2020). Determination of Oxalates in Corms of Selected Taro (Colocasia esculenta) Varieties in Malaysia Using Ultra High- Performance Liquid Chromatography Asian Journal of Chemical Sciences, 7 (3): 28.37.
  33. Mohd Zulkhairi, A, Razean Haireen, M.R., Razali, M., Siti Aisyah, M.N. dan Nurul Ain A. (2020). Pencirian Kimia Metabolit Sekunder Berkait Pertahanan daripada Carica Papaya Menggunakan Kromatografi Cecair Spektrometri Jisim Masa Penerbangan Quadrupole (LCMS Q-TOF), Buletin Teknologi MARDI, Bil 21
  34. Mohd Zulkhairi, A., Umikalsum, M.B., Razali, M., Nur Syafini, G., Aimi Athirah, A., Rosliza, J., Rozlaily, Z., Siti Aisyah, M.N., Nur Daliana, Y., Rosali, H. and Noralienatul Azlia, A.A (2020). Traditional Eggplant as Future Crop for Food Security and Improving Livelihood, Transactions of the Malaysian Society of Plant Physiology, 27;141-14
  35. R. Razean Haireen, A. Mohd Zulkhairi, M. Razali, S. Rogayah, M. A. Mohd Shukri, H. Mohd Azhar and A. Nurul Ain (2020). Screening of PRSV-P Resistance and Profiling of Defensive Secondary Metabolites in Carica papaya and Interspecific Hybrid of Vasconcellea. Asian Journal of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering. 2(4): 1-11; 2019.Article no.AJBGE.54861
  36. Noor Camellia Noor Alam, Abdul Muhaimin Abdul Kadir, Nur Atisha Shamsudin, Mohd Norfaizal Ghazali, Suryanti Bustam, Mohd Zulkhairi dan Umikalsum Mohamed Bahari. (2020). Pengeluaran benih keladi melalui teknologi kultur tisu. Buletin Teknologi MARDI Bil 19. Pp143-150
  37. Nor Asiah I., Rafii M.Y., Mahmud T.M.M. and Hanafi M.M. (2020). Graphical assessment of yield stability and adaptation of torch ginger (Etlingera elatior) accessions in two locations. J. Trop. Plant Physiol. 12(1):1-12
  38. Nor Asiah I., Nurul Ammar I.J., Zulhairil A., Maya Izar, K., Nuradni H., Hamizan, A.J., Umikalsum M.B. (2020). Saringan penyakit hawar daun keladi secara in vitro menggunakan esei kepingan daun terpisah. Buletin Teknologi MARDI Bil. 21 (2020) Khas Agrobiodiversiti. Ms 211-219
  39. Zulhairil Ariffin, Azuan Amron dan Nuradni Hashim (2020), Hubungan Filogenetik Spesies Garcinia Menggunakan Penanda matK, Buletin Teknologi MARDI (Edisi Khas Khas Perubahan Iklim), Bil. 21 , ms 201 - 210
  40. Suryanti B., Mohd Shukri M.A., Nur Atisha S., Abdul Muhaimin A.K., and Noor Camellia N.A., (2020). Cryopreservation attempts on the potential rarefruit species (Lepisanthes fruticosa). Rogayah S. (eds) in Transaction of the Malaysian Society of Plant Physiology. 27, pp 186-191. eISSN 2600-9595.
  41. Suryanti B., Nuratisha S., Abdul Muhaimin A.K., Noor Camellia N.A., and Umikalsum M.B. (2020). Kultur Tisu Keldai Musang (Xanthosoma violaceum). Buletin Teknologi MARDI. Bil. 21. eISSN 2289-9642
  42. Noor Camellia N.A., Abdul Muhaimin A.K., Nur Atisha S., Mohd Norfaizal G., Suryanti B. and Umikalsum, M.B. (2019). In Vitro Micropropagation Techniques of Two Local Taro Cultivars. Rogayah S. (eds) in Transaction of the Malaysian Society of Plant Physiology. 27, pp 186-191. eISSN 2600-9595. 199-203
  43. Muhammad Shafie Md Sah, Khadijah Awang, Site Noorzuraini Abd Rahman, Gerten Dominic, Izlamira Roslan dan Rosliza Jajuli. (2020). MyGeneBank: Ketersediaan Sumber Genetik Tanaman Untuk Dibangunkan Sebagai Sumber Makanan Bagi Menghadapi Ancaman Wabak Dan Perubahan Iklim Masa Hadapan. Buletin Teknologi MARDI Bil. 21 (2020) Khas Agrobiodiversiti
  44. Muhammad Shafie Md Sah, Noraziyah Abd. Aziz Samsudin, Ahmad Hafiz Baharom, Mohd Ikmal Asmuni, Mohamad Zulkiffely Abd Rahman, Mohd Azhar Hassan (2020). Penilaian Awalan Prestasi Varieti Padi Tradisional Terhadap Persekitaran Banjir. Buletin Teknologi MARDI Bil. 21 (2020) Khas Agrobiodiversiti.
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  47. Maya Izar K., Muhammad Shafie MS, Azuan A., Khadijah A., Mohd Syauqi N., Gerten D., Mohd Norfaizal G., Noor Camellia NA and Salma I. (2020). Implementation strategies on tropical fruit trees on-farm conservation: MARDI experience. In: Implementing the Satoyama Initiative for the benefit of biodiversity and human well-being, Kuo-Ching Lin KC and Lee KC, Eds., pp. 129-149, Food and Fetertilizer Technology Center (FFTC) for The Asian and Pacific Region Taipei, Taiwan.
  48. Norlida Mohamed Hamim, Muhammad Naim Fadzli Abd Rani, Mohammad Aufa Mhd Bookeri, Fazlyzan Abdullah, Norfarhah Abdul Razak, Mohd Shahril Shah Mohamad Ghazali, Mohd Syaifudin Abdul Rahman. (2019). Preliminary Evaluation Of Water Quality In Felcra Seberang Perak. International Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and Plantation, Vol. 8 (June), pp 22-30.
  49. Mohd Zulkhairi, A. Razali, M. dan Siti Aisyah, M.N. (2019). Penentuan Kandungan Antinutrien (Oksalat) Menggunakan Kaedah Kromatografi Cecair Prestasi Tinggi (HPLC), Buletin Teknologi MARDI, 17: 95 - 102.
  50. Mohd Zulkhairi, A., Rosliza, J., Mirfat, H.A.H. dan Erny Sabrina, M.N. (2019). Proses Penulenan Propolis Lebah Kelulut. Buletin Teknologi MARDI, 15 ; 65-70
  51. Umikalsum, M.B., Razean Haireen, M. R., Siti Noor Asihikin, A.H., Mohd Zulkhairi, A., Erny Sabrina, M.N., Aminah, M., Nurul Ammar Illani, J. and Umi Kalsum, H. Z. (2019). The Potential of Terung Telunjuk (Solanum sp.) for Food and Nutritional Security. Transactions of Malaysian Society of Plant Physiology (26):234-238. eISSN 2600 9595
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  53. Suryanti B., Noor Camellia N. A., Nuratisha S., Abdul Muhaimin A. K. and Mohd Shukri, A.  (2019). Seed Storage Behaviour of Potential Fruit Species (Lepisanthes Fruticosa). Rogayah S. (eds) in Transaction of the Malaysian Society of Plant Physiology Vol. 26. eISSN 2600-9595.
  54. Mohd Norfaizal, G., Khadijah, A., Noraini, T., A. Latiff, Masrom, H., Anuar Rasyidi, M.N., & Mohd. Shukri, M.A. 2019. Rare and wild fruits diversity of Pulau Pangkor, Perak, Peninsular Malaysia. The Malaysian Forester, 2019. Vol. 82(1): 212-216
  55. Mohd Norfaizal, G., Noraini, T., A. Latiff, Nurshahidah, M.R., Salmaniza, S. & Mohd. Shukri, M.A.2019. Morfologi debunga spesies terpilih famili Sapindaceae di Semenanjung Malaysia. Sains Malaysiana 48(3):487-496
  1. Mohd Masri,S., Saiful Zaimi,J., Zulaikha, M. & Siti Hur Hayati, M.S. (2023). Telenomus remus, a Potential Parasitoid for the Biological Control of Spodoptera frugiperda in Malaysia. Transcactions of The Malaysian Society of Plant Physiology, 30, pp: 179-183
  2. Haron, F. F., Reward, N. F., Nejis, Aman, N. ., & Hamzah, H. (2023). Antagonistic Potential of Endophytic Bacteria from Shallot against Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Causing Anthracnose Disease. AgroTech- Food Science, Technology and Environment, 2(2), 1-6.
  3. Mohd Yusri Zainudin, Saiful Zaimi Jamil, Mohd Syauqi Nazmi and Mohd Fuad Mohd Nor. (2023). Effects of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Practice on Insects Population and Yield of Cabbage in Cameron Highlands. Agrotech–Food Science, Technology and Environment Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Pp. 7-13.
  4. Saiful Zaimi J., Mohd Masri, S., Zulaikha, M., and Mazidah, M. (2023). Management of the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, on sweetcorn through farmer-participatory Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach in Tanjung Karang, Selangor. Transcactions of The Malaysian Society of Plant Physiology, 30, pp: 184-190. eISSN 2600-9595
  5. Mohamad Shahidan M.S., Nurin Izzati M.Z., Saiful Zaimi J., Mohd Masri S., Norzainih Jasmin J., Rozeita L., Quentin P., Michael D. (2023). Occurrence of Haedus vicarius (Drake) (Hemiptera: Tingidae) in Malaysia as Potential Biological Control of Urena lobata L. (Malvaceae). Transcactions of The Malaysian Society of Plant Physiology, 30, pp: 113-116
  6. Jaapar Fahimee, Mohd Sani Zulidzham, Nurul Farisa Reward, Nizar Muzzammil, Rosliza Jajuli, Maimon Abdullah & Salmah Yaakop (2022). Development of Heterotrigona itama (Cockerell, 1918) queen by in-vitro culture, for conservation purposes. 1-9, Journal of Apicultural Research
  7. Nurul Farisa, R., Muhammad Muzzammil, M.N., Zulidzham, M.S. and Mohd Fahimee, J. (2022). Insect Diversity at Glutinous Paddy Field, Telok Chengai, Alor Setar, Kedah, Malaysia, Trans. Malaysian Soc. Plant Physiol. 2022 (29), 109-112
  8. Fahimee J.,Aqilah Sakinah, B., Reward NF., Mohd Sani Z., Nizar M., & Salmah Y (2022). Penilaian sumber makanan Heterotrigona itama di Malaysia, Buletin Teknologi MARDI Bil. 33, Khas Kawalan Biologi :193-202
  10. Nurin Izzati Mohd Zulkifli, Nur Diyana Alyas, Mohd Zulkhairi Azid, Che’ Ammar Abqari Che Omar, Ainnur Arina Roslan, Nurul Sofea Mohd Saharudin dan Nurain Hamdan. (2022). Kajian awal keberkesanan Moringa oleifera sebagai biopestisid berasaskan ekstrak botani terhadap Hellula undalis. Buletin Teknologi MARDI Bil. 33, Khas Kawalan Biologi: 51 – 60.
  11. Mohamad Shahidan Mohamed Shohaimi, Nurin Izzati Mohd Zulkifli, Norzainih Jasmin Jamin, Ainnur Arina binti Roslan, Farah Farhanah Haron, Michael Day dan Quentin Paynter. Potensi Haedus vicarius (Drake) bagi kawalan rumpai Urena lobata L. secara biologi di Malaysia. Buletin Teknologi MARDI Bil. 33 (2022) Khas Kawalan Biologi: 69 – 77.
  12. Mohd Masri,S., Mohd Yusri,Z., Mohd Shahhizal A.W., Nurin Izzati, M.Z., Siti Noor Aishikin, A.H., Azman,R., Mohd Fahimee, J., Haryati, M. & Sivapragasam, A. (2022). Kawalan perosak invasif asing koya betik Paracoccus marginatus menggunakan kaedah mesra alam. Buletin Teknologi MARDI Bil. 33, pp: 3-13
  13. Mohd Masri, S. & Wee, S.L. (2022). Kajian kitaran hayat ulat kepala kubis (Crocidolomia binotalis). Buletin Teknologi MARDI- Khas Kawalan Biologi. 33, pp: 185-192
  14. Mohd Masri,S., Saiful Zaimi,J., Jeffrey, L.S.H., Siti Nur Hayati, M.S. & Mohamad Shahidan, M.S. 2022. Potential of Entomopathogenic Fungi to Control New Invasive Pests Spodoptera frugiperda on Maize. Transactions of The Malaysian Society of Plant Physiology- Plant Resilience and Productivity In New Environmental Era, 29, pp: 86-89.
  15. Saiful Zaimi Jamil, Muhammad Ariff Mohd Rasul, Mohd Fuad Mohd Nor dan Mohd Masri Saranum. (2022). Kaedah pembelaan secara massa ulat ratus 'fall armyworm' (FAW), (Spodoptera frugiperda). Buletin Teknologi MARDI Bil. 33, pp: 175-183
  16. GHAZALLI, M. N., HASHIM, M. H., BESI, E. E., MAT-ESA, M. I., ZAINI, A. Z., SARANUM, M. M., … LATIFF, A. (2022). Durio gerikensis (Malvaceae), a new Arilless Durio from Hulu Perak, Malaysia. Phytotaxa, 543(1).
  17. Siti Noor Aishikin, A. H., Razali, M., Norzainih, J.J., Razean Haireen, M. R., Nurin Izzati, M. Z., Mohamad Shahidan, M.S., Farah Huda, S. S., Mohd Masri, S. & Umi Kalsum,B. 2022. Kekerapan semburan biopestisid multi-virus dalam mengawal perosak Lepidoptera utama tanaman kubis. Buletin Teknologi MARDI Bil. 33 (2022) Khas Kawalan Biologi: 39 – 50
  18. Mohd Syauqi Nazmi, Mohd Yusri Zainudin, Saiful Zaimi Jamil, Mohd Masri Saranum dan Hasnul Hadi Ibrahim. (2022). Penilaian Ekonomi Pengenalan Agen Kawalan Biologi Terhadap Serangan Rama-Rama Intan Diamondback Moth (DBM) Plutella xylostella ke Atas Tanaman Kubis Bulat di Cameron Highlands. Buletin Teknologi MARDI Bil. 33 (2022) Khas Kawalan Biologi:203-218
  19. Arora, H.; Sharma, A.; Poczai, P.; Sharma, S.; Haron, F.F.; Gafur, A.; Sayyed, R.Z. (2022) Plant-Derived Protectants in Combating Soil-Borne Fungal Infections in Tomato and Chilli. J. Fungi 2022, 8, 213. https://
  20. Naeem Ahmed, Muhammad Shahid, Kim S Siow, M F Mohd Razip Wee, Farah Farhanah Haron, Anuttam Patra and Shazrul Fazry, (2022). Germination and growth improvement of papaya utilizing oxygen (O2) plasma treatment. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 55 255205.
  21. Farah Farhanah, H., Wan Rozita, W.E., Suhanna, A. and Johari, S, (2022). Detection of Aspergillus spp. Associated with Black Mold Disease in Allium cepa var. Aggregatum. Trans. Malaysian Soc. Plant Physiol. 29. pg 81-85.
  22. Farah Farhanah Haron, Nurul Farisa Reward, Norzaimawati Aman Nejis, Halizah Zainal (2022). Saringan aktiviti antikulat Bacillus spp. secara in vitro terhadap Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, agen penyebab penyakit antraknos. Buletin Teknologi MARDI Khas Kawalan Biologi Bil. 33., ms. 157-163.
  23. Aminah, M., Mohd Aziz, R., Razean Haireen, M.R., Siti Noor Aishikin, A.H., Nurul Ammar Illani, J., Norhadijah, A. and Umikalsum, M.B, (2022). Incidence of virus infection and its effect on physiological response in Taro (Colocasia esculanta). Trans. Malaysian Soc. Plant Physiol. 29. pg 117-120
  24. Aminah, M., Nurul Ammar Illani, J., Razean Haireen, M.R., Nurul Farisa, R. and Umikalsum, M.B, (2022). Penilaian biofungisid komersial secara in vitro bagi kawalan penyakit hawar daun dan reput buah pada terung tradisional. Buletin Teknologi MARDI Bil. 33 Khas Kawalan Biologi: 103-110
  25. Mohd Yusri Zainudin, Saiful Zaimi Jamil, Mohd Syauqi Nazmi dan Mohd Fuad Mohd Nor. (2022). Kesan penggunaan kaedah Pengurusan Perosak Bersepadu (IPM) di Plot Kubis MARDI Cameron Highlands. Buletin Teknologi MARDI Bil. 33(2022) Khas Kawalan Biologi: 79 - 86
  26. Saiful Zaimi J., Muhammad Ariff M.R., Mohd Fuad M.N., dan Mohd Masri S. (2022). Kaedah pembelaan secara massa ulat ratus 'fall armyworm' (FAW), (Spodoptera frugiperda). Buletin Teknologi MARDI Bil. 33, pp: 175-183
  27. Jeffrey, L.S.H. (2021). Penggunaan Pseudomonas sp. sebagai baja bio berpotensi dalam pertanian lestari. Buletin Teknologi MARDI Bil 26. Khas Perubahan Iklim. Ppp133-137.
  28. Jeffrey, L.S.H. 2021. Penghasilan mikrob berfaedah. Buletin Teknologi MARDI Bil 27. Khas Pertanian Bandar. Ppp123-123
  29. Fahimee J., Reward NF., Mohd Sani Z., Nizar M., & Salmah Y (2021). Thermoregulasi : Penyesuaian lebah kelulut bagi menangani kesan perubahan cuaca Buletin Teknologi MARDI , 119-126
  30. Khairol Ismail1, Mohd Fahimee Jaapar2, and Mohammad Asyraf Husin (2021). Morphology and Yield on Second Generation of Tall xDwarf Coconut Crosses (Cocos nucifera L.) United International Journal for Research & Technology | Volume 02, Issue 09, 2021 | ISSN: 2582-6832
  31. Nurin Izzati bt Mohd Zulkifli, Saiful Zaimi bin Jamil, Aimi Athirah bt Ahmad, Mohd Shahidan b Shohaimi, Mohd Masri bin Saranum, Siti Noor Aishikin bt Abdul Hamid and Umikalsum bt Bahari (2021). Efficacy Of Selected Pesticides and Biopesticides Against Major Pest Infesting Solanum melongena L. Serangga 26(2):271-283
  32. Saiful Zaimi, J., Mohd Masri, S., Mazidah,M., Lailatul Jumaiyah, S.H., Muhammad Zaim, M.R., Mohd Fuad, M.N. & Jayprakash, P.K. (2021). Field Status, Damage Symptoms and Potential Natural Enemies of the Invasive Fall Armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) in Malaysia. Serangga 26(2): pp 226-244
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  • Published on 10 November 2022
  • Last modified on 07 March 2024
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